Deb’s Stem Starters

If you write paper-and-pencil assessments, you’re going to love these sheets that I call Stem Starters.   Stem Starters are ideas of ways to write item stems for test items.  Think of these as handy reference sheets for those times when you are writing item stems – the question part of a test item.

I’ve designed Stem Starters for each of the four core content areas including Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.  If you teach any other content area, just look at all of the sheets for ideas.

Stem Starters – LANGUAGE ARTS

Stem Starters – MATHEMATICS

Stem Starters – SCIENCE

Stem Starters – SOCIAL STUDIES

By the way, these are also good for asking oral questions in the classroom.  Download these NOW and use them often.  I’m pleased to share these with you.